Activating Positive Brain Chemistry with Dr. James Rouse & Ken Ludwig, “Making It Out Alive”

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Ken LudwigKen Ludwig’s passion for recovery comes from a holistic mindset.  He delivers to his listeners, experts in the areas of the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual to support his message.

This week, Ken begins with Dr. James Rouse, world class naturopath, nutritionist and wellness expert on the disconnect between the addicted person and their body. They set the wheels in motion to start a process of stimulating positive brain chemistry through the use of wise food choices. This is cutting edge knowledge about creating motivation, confidence, balance, focus and concentration in our lives by simply adding the right nutrition from what Dr. James refers to as, “our food pharmacy”.

Activating the potential to refocus our thinking through using food to create a positive hormonal experience in our bodies results in the increased production of our positive brain chemicals. Increasing the levels of serotonin, acetylcholine and dopamine production can significantly alter our responses to life.  Listen in as Dr. James gives you ideas for powerful and delicious food ideas that support balance and eliminate food cravings that do more harm than good.

This is a compelling and simple way to start to move from addiction and self-defeating behavior into a recovered life.

“Energizing” isn’t a word that leaps to mind when describing a visit with your doctor.  But Dr. James Rouse isn’t your average doc.  He’s a man affectionately referred to by colleagues as “superhuman.”

A naturopathic doctor who earned his medical degree at the National College of Naturopathic medicine, Ironman triathlete, QVC Network Wellness Specialist, entrepreneur, certified yoga instructor, wellness magazine founder, speaker, author, radio talk show host and television personality – Dr. James does it all.  He talks with such enthusiasm and conviction about the wellness lifestyle, you come away feeling inspired to take better care of yourself — and to enjoy your life more.   To learn more about James and his offerings, visit his website at:

Making It Out Alive – Conscious New Thinking That Rocks – Providing New Perspectives for the Empowered Life”

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