Connections Radio Presents James Rouse – “The Harmony of Wellness – Mind, Body and Soul”

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Jordan Paul begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting & Cynthia JamesJames Rouse

The “Energizer Bunny” is not how most people would characterize their doctor. But Dr. James Rouse isn’t your average doc. He’s a man affectionately referred to by colleagues as “superhuman.”

As a QVC Network Wellness Specialist, triathlete, certified yoga instructor, founder of the magazine “Optimum Wellness,” speaker and author, Dr. James does it all. He lives with such enthusiasm and conviction about the wellness lifestyle that everyone he touches comes away feeling inspired to enjoy taking better care of themselves. But most importantly, his personal lifestyle and work are guided by Gandhi’s words, “Your life is your message.”

He expresses the bedrock of his teaching as, “When oneness and mindfulness are practiced together, every experience is an opportunity for deeper wellness. Consider that in every experience there is more than just you at work. For example, when you open the refrigerator door know that you are eating not just for you, but for you and the Divine You. Therefore, self-love is not selfish. Self-care honors the oneness in yourself and keeps that connection with everything around you. Self-care is an act of self-love”

Dr. James openly shares his personal life. “I’m a student of my own life. Whenever challenges arise I check-in by asking myself, ‘ What’s happening right here, right now?’ I know that it’s about what I want to bring forth in my life and in the next moment I’m seeing things in a way that points me in a new direction.”

He says that, “We’re all too tired to keep running and many of us are too scared to stop. Fitting oneness into the pace of life is why I love being on QVC. The audience is hungry for new information and products for moving into a more holistic way of living. My products are primarily natural and designed to fit into busy lifestyles. By making it easy to take better care of yourself, you enjoy greater success and your integrity, confidence and self-esteem are enhanced.

James says that, “The most powerful message I teach is learning to practice willingness rather than will power. When I practice willingness I know and trust the practicing of oneness. This creates vitality in my body and clarity and brilliance in my mind. Eating well, effortless exercising and my best work follow naturally. Beauty and love are my daily experience and the sky’s the limit.”

James is best known for his highly engaging “Optimum Wellness” TV segments, which he hosts in major markets including Los Angeles, Seattle and Denver. His wellness knowledge and passion for helping others live optimally extends to creating healthy food products. As the Wellness Specialist on QVC Shopping Network, Dr. James recently launched a line of nutritional products, including Mix1, an all-natural meal-replacement drink.

His books include: Grow Your Life from Average to Amazing; and Health Solutions for Energy and the Colorado Fit Kitchen Cookbook which he co-authored with his wife Dr. Debra Rouse.

To learn more about James and his offerings, visit his website.

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