Today’s Featured Artist ~ Sue Frederick

SubscribeSue FrederickCareer Intuitive Sue Frederick’s work has been featured in the New York Times, Real Simple, Yoga Journal, Natural Health, Fit Yoga, and New York Metro Magazines. She’s the author of I See Your Dream Job: A Career Intuitive Shows You How To Discover What You Were Put On Earth To Do. As a professional career counselor and an intuitive since childhood, Sue draws upon dreams, ancient numerology, powerful intuition, and conversations with spirits to help you “see your dream job.” Sue has been a guest on numerous international television and radio shows including Fox TV News and the Joey Reynolds Show Live from New York. She enjoys taking calls from listeners and providing intuitive guidance for people everywhere – from Wall Street bankers to Hollywood celebrities and everyday people.

Sue Frederick
Sue Frederick on Career Intuitive
Sue Frederick on Facebook
Sue Frederick on Linked In

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“A Summary with Application for Your Personal Best” with Ken Ludwig, ” Making It Out Alive”

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Ken LudwigYour host, Ken Ludwig, will look back at the tools and techniques presented by his August guests. Ludwig will make suggestions on how you can apply this important information in conjunction with his original cutting-edge Lighthouse Recovery model that supports you as you grow into your self-empowered, balanced and joy-filled life.

Ken Ludwig is a speaker, coach and radio talk show host. He has been sharing his inspirational story of living a more conscious and spiritual life to national audiences for many years through diverse mediums. Like many children of the 60’s, Ludwig thoroughly enjoyed the sex, drugs and rock & roll lifestyle that gave him an up close and personal look at the bottom of the barrel. Today, Ludwig still rocks, but now he does it with a passion for a spiritual practice that saved his life, many times over. Ludwig is a coaching licensee with Business Growth Solutions, a Licensed Practitioner for the United Centers for Spiritual Living, and a Licensed Career Intuitive. He has been hosting “What We’re Thinking About” on for the last three years and is thrilled to begin spreading his recovered living message on his new show “Making It Alive” with Spirit Media Network. Ken makes a difference teaching and coaching the teens and young adults at Mile Hi Church in Denver, Colorado.

VISIT “Making It Out Alive – Conscious New Thinking That Rocks – Providing New Perspectives for the Empowered Life” on Spirit Media Network.

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

“The New Spirit In Media ~ Media That Makes A Difference”