“Building Strength” With Ken Ludwig, Making It Out Alive

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Ken LudwigKen highlights tips from The Holiday Series featuring Dr. James Rouse, Cynthia James, Dr. Debra Rouse and James Armstrong.  He points out how they can be applied to today, this New Year for any situation that pushes your buttons or challenges your authenticity.   Be inspired as Ken guides you into 2011 reminding you that holistic involution is the key to your strength, power and self-love.

Ken Ludwig is a speaker, coach and radio talk show host.  He has been sharing his inspirational story of living a more conscious and spiritual life to national audiences for many years through diverse mediums. Like many children of the 60’s, Ludwig thoroughly enjoyed the sex, drugs and rock & roll lifestyle that gave him an up close and personal look at the bottom of the barrel.  Today, Ludwig still rocks, but now he does it with a passion for a spiritual practice that saved his life, many times over.  Ludwig is a coaching licensee with Business Growth Solutions, a certified Career Intuitive Coach and a Licensed Practitioner for the United Centers for Spiritual Living, serving for Mile Hi Church in Denver.  He has been hosting  “What We’re Thinking About” on Co-CreatorNetwork.com for the last three years and is thrilled to spread his recovered living message on this show, “Making It Alive” with Spirit Media Network.

VISIT “Making It Out Alive – Conscious New Thinking That Rocks – Providing New Perspectives for the Empowered Life” on Spirit Media Network.

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

“The New Spirit In Media ~ Media That Makes A Difference”

Connections Radio Presents James Rouse – “The Harmony of Wellness – Mind, Body and Soul”

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Jordan Paul begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting & Cynthia JamesJames Rouse

The “Energizer Bunny” is not how most people would characterize their doctor. But Dr. James Rouse isn’t your average doc. He’s a man affectionately referred to by colleagues as “superhuman.”

As a QVC Network Wellness Specialist, triathlete, certified yoga instructor, founder of the magazine “Optimum Wellness,” speaker and author, Dr. James does it all. He lives with such enthusiasm and conviction about the wellness lifestyle that everyone he touches comes away feeling inspired to enjoy taking better care of themselves. But most importantly, his personal lifestyle and work are guided by Gandhi’s words, “Your life is your message.”

He expresses the bedrock of his teaching as, “When oneness and mindfulness are practiced together, every experience is an opportunity for deeper wellness. Consider that in every experience there is more than just you at work. For example, when you open the refrigerator door know that you are eating not just for you, but for you and the Divine You. Therefore, self-love is not selfish. Self-care honors the oneness in yourself and keeps that connection with everything around you. Self-care is an act of self-love”

Dr. James openly shares his personal life. “I’m a student of my own life. Whenever challenges arise I check-in by asking myself, ‘ What’s happening right here, right now?’ I know that it’s about what I want to bring forth in my life and in the next moment I’m seeing things in a way that points me in a new direction.”

He says that, “We’re all too tired to keep running and many of us are too scared to stop. Fitting oneness into the pace of life is why I love being on QVC. The audience is hungry for new information and products for moving into a more holistic way of living. My products are primarily natural and designed to fit into busy lifestyles. By making it easy to take better care of yourself, you enjoy greater success and your integrity, confidence and self-esteem are enhanced.

James says that, “The most powerful message I teach is learning to practice willingness rather than will power. When I practice willingness I know and trust the practicing of oneness. This creates vitality in my body and clarity and brilliance in my mind. Eating well, effortless exercising and my best work follow naturally. Beauty and love are my daily experience and the sky’s the limit.”

James is best known for his highly engaging “Optimum Wellness” TV segments, which he hosts in major markets including Los Angeles, Seattle and Denver. His wellness knowledge and passion for helping others live optimally extends to creating healthy food products. As the Wellness Specialist on QVC Shopping Network, Dr. James recently launched a line of nutritional products, including Mix1, an all-natural meal-replacement drink.

His books include: Grow Your Life from Average to Amazing; and Health Solutions for Energy and the Colorado Fit Kitchen Cookbook which he co-authored with his wife Dr. Debra Rouse.

To learn more about James and his offerings, visit his website.

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Connections Radio Show is a project of Humanity’s Team

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, spiritual internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

“The New Spirit In Media ~ Media That Makes A Difference”

“Addiction: Up Close and Personal” During September on “Making It Out Alive”

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Denver, CO September 1, 2010

“Making It Out Alive – Conscious New Thinking That Rocks – Providing New Perspectives for the Empowered Life” on Spirit Media Network.  This is a radio program about reclaiming your power; about recognizing that we all have acquired a whole collection of self-defeating and self-destructive behaviors that we need to conquer and release. From the hardcore addictions of alcohol and drugs to gambling and over-eating or just plain old bad habits, it is time to explore a new way of being. Your host, Ken Ludwig, will give the audience real and practical examples of tools and techniques that they can use immediately to rewire their thinking and create a new set of responses to the world around them.

Ludwig’s approach is holistic; through the practice and study of our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects we empower ourselves.  He supplies tools and techniques for the listeners through his teaching and by bringing in guests that excel in all of these fields.  Tune-in throughout the week, each new show is posted on Thursdays at 12N MDT.  This show is also available to download or to share with a friend in need.

September 2, 2010 – “A Summary with Applications for Your Personal Best”.  Your host, Ken Ludwig, will look back at the tools and techniques presented by his August guests. Ludwig will make suggestions on how you can apply this important information in conjunction with his original cutting-edge Lighthouse Recovery model that supports you as you grow into your self-empowered, balanced and joy-filled life.

September 9, 2010 – “Navigating Through Addiction; Holistically”. QVC Network Wellness Specialist and naturopathic doctor, who his colleagues refer to as “superhuman” Dr. James Rouse. As our regular contributor Dr. James brings us the next thoughts on activating the tools that he introduced previously. How to implement those tools to get the ball rolling on living life from a holistic point of view, while moving out of the clutches of self-defeating behaviors. Dr James is as awesome as ever.   www.OptimumWellness.com.

September 16, 2010 – “Family Addiction: From Heartache to Encouragement”.

Ken talks with TV and radio personality, Mark McIntosh the Comeback Coach, about the effects of addiction on family members, particularly when a parent is involved. They discuss escaping from the dual roles of co-dependent and enabler when we feel that responsibility to help or cover for a loved one who is buried in addiction.  www.SeekVictory.com

September 23, 2010 – “Women’s Worth: Step Out of Over-Drive and into Balance”.    Naturopathic doctor being just one of her many credentials, Debra Rouse is committed to a lifestyle that supports physical vitality, personal abundance and total mind-body health. Dr. Debra and Ludwig touch on some aspects of addiction that are more particular to women. Here’s a look at the important foundational pieces women can implement to help balance out the ups and downs of their hormonal changes and help lessen the opportunities to feel the need to self medicate. This is outstanding information on a topic we do not hear enough about. www.OptimalWellness.com

September 30, 2010 – “Absorbing the Pain of Others” –This is an important discussion on the complexities of being sensitive to the vicissitudes of life and avoiding self-medication.  Dr. Michael Smith, a physical empath, points out the underlying pain that causes those who are most sensitive to seek an escape. This conversation offers inspiring and supportive information including Native American spirituality and rituals to help us move past those self-destructive behaviors.  A former professor of counseling at the University of Wyoming, Michael’s current mission is to assist empaths and highly sensitive people to reclaim their inner power.  Dr. Michael is the author of “Navigating 2012” and facilitates workshops worldwide including The Omega Institute. www.EmpathConnection.com

Ken Ludwig is a speaker, coach and radio talk show host.  He has been sharing his inspirational story of living a more conscious and spiritual life to national audiences for many years through diverse mediums. Like many children of the 60’s, Ludwig thoroughly enjoyed the sex, drugs and rock & roll lifestyle that gave him an up close and personal look at the bottom of the barrel.  Today, Ludwig still rocks, but now he does it with a passion for a spiritual practice that saved his life, many times over.  Ludwig is a coaching licensee with Business Growth Solutions, a Licensed Practitioner for the United Centers for Spiritual Living and a Licensed Career Intuitive Coach.  He has been hosting  “What We’re Thinking About” on Co-CreatorNetwork.com for the last three years and is thrilled to begin spreading his recovered living message on “Making It Alive” with Spirit Media Network.  Ludwig makes a difference teaching and coaching the teens and young adults at Mile Hi Church in Denver, Colorado.

“Making It Out Alive – Conscious New Thinking That Rocks – Providing New Perspectives for the Empowered Life”  www.spiritmedianetwork.com/moa.htm

Show Sponsors: Spirit Media network, www.spiritmedianetwork.com

Media Contact:  Lisa Livingstone, 303-271-0860 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              303-271-0860      end_of_the_skype_highlighting, info@makingitoutalive.com, www.MakingItOutAlive.com

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

“The New Spirit In Media ~ Media That Makes A Difference”