“Step AWAY from the Computer” With Ken Ludwig & Dean Taraborelli on “Making It Out Alive”

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Ken LudwigDean TaraborelliWe all have devices; handhelds, pc’s, macs, ipods, ipads, iphones, Blackberry, notebooks, laptops, televisions. And with each device comes this connection; but a connection to what? Can you “step away” after you have completed your business or your communication or after watching a movie or posting a few comments on Facebook? What drives you to play games all night, to compulsively check-in with social media every minute, or watch endless hours of television? Listen in as Dean and Ken share their insights into this modern addiction and how it can subtly suck your life force and limit subjectivity while you don’t even know it is happening. It is time to learn awareness and tools and they will be supplied. Because let’s be real, electronics are as accessible as alcohol and they are not going away.

Dean Taraborelli is the founder of The Sanctuary at Sedona, an alternative healing program for people stuck in addiction, self destructive patterns, crisis or difficult life transitions. The Sanctuary program uses an integrative approach of mind, body, soul and spirit to heal the root of the addiction or disease. Dean has been a patient in countless inpatient, outpatient, extended care programs, thousands of hours of therapy, medication protocols and experimental medical procedures before he was introduced to energy medicine, which is a core component of The Sanctuary Program. www.sanctuary.net

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“From Chaos to Sanctuary” With Dean Taraborelli & Ken Ludwig, Making It Out Alive

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Ken LudwigDean TaraborelliDean has been in and out of more rehab and treatment facilities than he can count. Thirty years of addiction followed by twenty years attempting to conquer those addictions led to the creation of The Sanctuary at Sedona. Here Dean and his staff provide an alternative healing program that takes a holistic approach to freeing the mind, body, soul and spirit of each individual. Ken and Dean talk about the body’s ability to remember the patterns of self destructive behaviors even after treatment. This cellular memory needs to be transmuted along with the mental  memory.

Dean Taraborelli is the founder of The Sanctuary at Sedona, an alternative healing program for people stuck in addiction, self destructive patterns, crisis or difficult life transitions.  The Sanctuary program uses an integrative approach of mind, body, soul and spirit to heal the root of the addiction or disease.   Dean has been a patient in countless inpatient, outpatient, extended care programs, thousands of hours of therapy, medication protocols and experimental medical procedures before he was introduced to energy medicine, which is a core component of The Sanctuary Program.  www.sanctuary.net

“Making It Out Alive – Conscious New Thinking That Rocks – Providing New Perspectives for the Empowered Life”

VISIT “Making It Out Alive – Conscious New Thinking That Rocks – Providing New Perspectives for the Empowered Life” on Spirit Media Network.

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

“The New Spirit In Media ~ Media That Makes A Difference”

Discovery through Recovery; from Chaos to Sanctuary on Making It Out Alive Radio With Ken Ludwig

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Denver, CO October 4, 2010

“Making It Out Alive – Conscious New Thinking That Rocks – Providing New Perspectives for the Empowered Life” on Spirit Media Network, www.spiritmedianetwork.com.  This is a radio program about reclaiming your power; about recognizing that we all have acquired a whole collection of self-defeating and self-destructive behaviors that we need to conquer and release. From the hardcore addictions of alcohol and drugs to gambling and over-eating or just plain old bad habits, it is time to explore a new way of being. Having had success from his own personal addiction, your host, Ken Ludwig, shares his incredible in-depth knowledge and Lighthouse Recovery model that will take you beyond traditional recovery programs giving you the tools and support you need to truly live the life of your dreams.

Ludwig’s approach is holistic; through the practice and study of our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual aspects we empower ourselves.  He supplies tools and techniques for the listeners through his teaching and by bringing in guests that excel in all of these fields.  Tune-in throughout the week, each new show is posted on Thursdays at 12N MDT.  This show is also available to download or to share with a friend in need.

October 7, 2010 – “An Illumined Lamp through All Conditions”

Your host, Ken Ludwig delves into the Lighthouse Recovery model more deeply and explains the ascension process.  He covers those first levels that always include the physical, emotional, spiritual and mental; this quadrant is the basis for your self discovery. Ludwig will teach you the importance of your healthy body as it cements your foundation into reaching the stability of the lighted lamp that is illumined through all kinds of weather conditions.  www.makingitoutalive.com

October 14, 2010 – ““From Chaos to Sanctuary”

Dean Taraborelli is the founder of The Sanctuary at Sedona, an alternative healing program for people stuck in addiction, self destructive patterns, crisis or difficult life transitions.  Taraborelli has been in and out of more rehab and treatment facilities than he can count. Thirty years of addiction followed by twenty years attempting to conquer those addictions led to the creation of The Sanctuary at Sedona.  Ludwig and Taraborelli talk about the body’s ability to remember the patterns of self destructive behaviors even after treatment. This cellular memory needs to be transmuted along with the mental memory. www.sanctuary.net

October 21, 2010 – “A Passion for the Process”

Ester Nicholson, musical artist and inspirational speaker, brings a unique perspective to her Spiritual journey of recovery. Ester tells Ken about how she transcended any need for 12 Step meetings that no longer served her, but, at the same time, blending the principles of the steps with her own metaphysical beliefs.  Ester is an Agape International Licensed Practitioner, and her unique brand of ministry was developed through 17 years of study under the tutelage of Rev. Michael Beckwith, 24 years of sobriety, her private spiritual counseling practice and Colin Tipping’s Radical Forgiveness techniques.  www.esternicholson.com

October 28, 2010 – “In Joy with Feeling Good”

Listen in as regular contributor, QVC Network Wellness Specialist and naturopathic doctor, Dr. James Rouse and Ludwig take on emotions.  It has been said that joy is the emotion of living in the expectancy of your highest good.  When you don’t feel joyous – how can you ignite that feeling of expectancy without burying those feelings that so need to be expressed?  What do you do besides a well-balanced meal and exercise to create the fun in your life without having to numb your amazing wonderful senses?  Listen in and find out!  www.optimumwellness.com

Ken Ludwig is a speaker, coach and radio talk show host.  He has been sharing his inspirational story of living a more conscious and spiritual life to national audiences for many years through diverse mediums. Like many children of the 60’s, Ludwig thoroughly enjoyed the sex, drugs and rock & roll lifestyle that gave him an up close and personal look at the bottom of the barrel.  Today, Ludwig still rocks, but now he does it with a passion for a spiritual practice that saved his life, many times over.  Ludwig is a coaching licensee with Business Growth Solutions, a Licensed Practitioner for the United Centers for Spiritual Living and a certified Career Intuitive Coach.  He has been hosting  “What We’re Thinking About” on Co-CreatorNetwork.com for the last three years and is thrilled to begin spreading his recovered living message on “Making It Alive” with Spirit Media Network.  Ludwig makes a difference teaching and coaching the teens and young adults at Mile Hi Church in Denver, Colorado.

Media Contact:  Lisa Livingstone, 303-271-0860, info@makingitoutalive.com

VISIT “Making It Out Alive – Conscious New Thinking That Rocks – Providing New Perspectives for the Empowered Life” on Spirit Media Network.

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

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“Connections Radio” September Radio Show Lineup

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Jordan Paul & Cynthia JamesIn September, “Connections Radio” presents four powerful featured guests and four inspirational Everyday Heroes on Spirit Media Network.

Our world cries out for oneness. This months Featured Guests and Everyday Heroes drawn from different disciplines illustrate how the universality and power of oneness can solve our most pressing problems both internationally and personally.  “Connections Radio: Awakening Oneness Within Us All” (www.spiritmedianetwork.com/crs.htm) is the antidote to the separateness plaguing our lives.

Cynthia James (www.cynthiajames.net) and Dr. Jordan Paul (www.drjordanpaul.com), co-hosts of this exciting weekly international internet radio variety talk show, are on a mission to inspire greater oneness both within us and in our world, while providing practical ideas that encourage this process.

The show features prominent cutting edge thinkers, business leaders, celebrities and humanitarians sharing their wisdom and practical experiences for living more connected lives. Just a few of the stimulating future guests include: Lance Secretan, former CEO of Manpower Inc., Kenny Loggins, pop star legend, and Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, founder and spiritual leader of The Agape Spiritual Center.

Sep. 7 – In “Business As Unusual” Bill Mosher presents a picture of real estate and the built environment as creating welcoming places that are sustainable in a long term, conscious manner. The Everyday Hero is Dr. Robin Wood, Founding President of Renaissance2, working with thousands of organizations to co-catalyze the shift to a renewable economy and world-centric consciousness.

Sep. 14 – In “Making Laughter, Making Love”  Yakov Smirnoff blends his unique brand of comedy with opening the heart. The Everyday Hero is Patricia Melnice creator of Tough Angels, working in South Africa to support and advocate for abused women.

Sep. 21 – In “One Plus One Equals Eleven” Arielle Ford, author of The Soulmate Secret shares how to magnetize a romantic partner in your life. The Everyday Hero is Rev. Jill Gwen Braginets creator of Go Soular that organizes travel experiences that allows people to help create safe, healthy, self-sufficient communities around the world.

Sep. 28 – In “The Harmony of Wellness – Mind, Body and Soul” wellness guru James Rouse explains how oneness and mindfulness practiced together, means every experience is an opportunity for deeper wellness. The Everyday Hero is Laura Weaver, Co-director of PassageWorks Institute, providing educators and school leaders a practical, relationship-centered approach to transforming the culture of classrooms, schools and districts.

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Connections Radio Show is a project of Humanity’s Team

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, spiritual internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

“The New Spirit In Media ~ Media That Makes A Difference”

Connections Radio Presents “Taking Charge of Your Feelings, Being Powerful” with Lindsay Wagner. Cynthia James & Jordan Paul

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Jordan Paul & Cynthia JamesYou might know her as the Bionic Woman. Although, she doesn’t have the amplified hearing, a greatly strengthened right arm, and enhanced legs, enabling her to run faster than a speeding car of the character she played so successfully for so many years, Lindsay Wagner is living a life not only unlocking her intellectual potential but the potential of a heart that is dedicated to her own well-being and to that of others.

Her life as an actress, mother, humanitarian, author, and workshop facilitator is united by her passion and commitment to advancing human potential. She is heavily involved in causes that are close to her heart including animal welfare, domestic violence, and the environment. Lindsay has co-authored The High Road to Health, a best-selling vegetarian lifestyle cookbook and Lindsay Wagner’s New Beauty: The Acupressure Facelift. She has developed “Quiet the Mind & Open the Heart” workshops and retreats that help to overcome personal challenges, while accessing our inherent peace and joy. More about her meditation CD “Open To Oneness” and her workshops can be found at www.opentooneness.com and www.lindsaywagnerinternational.com.

In this show Lindsay shares her journey from the challenges in her early life that led to understanding the body, mind and spirit connection to healing and health to how this passion for wholeness became the guiding principle that determined her choice for portraying many stories of people transcending their circumstances.

As Lindsay reveals her journey she shares the tools and teachers who have been instrumental in facilitating her personal evolution. She credits the key to her healing as learning to unlearn old habitual patterns that left her blaming others and feeling self-righteous and like a victim. Rather she is learning, to take personal responsibility for her reactions by remembering that there are always ways to respond that leave her feeling powerful. Feeling personally powerful comes from staying connected and in oneness with her authentic self.

Cynthia James and Dr. Jordan Paul, Your hosts for Connections Radio, share a common passion for helping to heal separation and facilitate oneness. Our motto, “Stay Connected” means living in oneness with our authentic self and our family, including those with whom we live as well as every living thing with whom we share our planetary home.

STAY CONNECTED! with Connections Radio on Spirit Media Network.

Connections Radio Show is a project of Humanity’s Team

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, spiritual internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

“The New Spirit In Media ~ Media That Makes A Difference”