Connections Radio Presents Kathy Hearn “The One That Became Two Becoming One Again”

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Jordan Paul & Cynthia JamesKathy HearnIn her position as the Community Spiritual Leader of United Church of Religious Science/United Centers for Spiritual Living, Rev. Kathy is doing something rarely done, yet has very powerful implications for our future.

Many years ago a spiritual movement splintered into two separate organizations. This is not uncommon since we have seen similar splits throughout history. What’s unique is the intention of these two organizations to now come back together and stand even greater in the power of oneness.

Rev. Kathy says, “As we have gone about designing a new organization it has become very important not just look at who we were as an organization but to look at the world we want to help create. We have focused on questions like: What does the world need from us right now?; and What is a spiritual organization for this unfolding world look like that is far beyond where either organization began?”

From their desire to become re-enchanted emerged a “Global Heart Vision.” Rev. Kathy says, “We wanted to place our organization within the larger context of the evolution of the entire planet. We are looking up and beyond the walls of our organization to how we can bring our principles, and way of being into a world that works for all, a world of peace, wholeness, plenty, freedom and enfranchisement for everyone.

“Of course, like any group of two or more people we must find respectful ways to move through our attachments and entrenchments in ways that honor each other while working together to create something new.

“The core spiritual principle that guides our actions is that oneness is absolute. There is only one truth and that is oneness. There is only one problem and that is separation and therefore, separation is an illusion. We are committed to always doing our best to come back to the truth of oneness even when we don’t know what we’re going to do after that.

“When facing a problem each of us is charged with doing our own spiritual work. When we realize that we are separating from someone or from a group, we must do the work to come back to the truth of oneness. Whenever I become aware of my own attachment and entrenchment in what I think is right, I remember that I’m here to practice oneness.

“I believe that the world needs more people practicing oneness. Even larger than our organizations and what we’re going through is the understanding as the wonderful poet/philosopher Rumi said, ‘Love is the final explanation of everything.”

“I believe that when you love someone you seek to understand what they need for their greater good. In everyday practical terms this translates into understanding that equally important as championing our own point of view is seeking to understand fully and completely what’s meaningful/valued by the other side. After that we can find new ways that work for everyone.
“When we understand that what we’re really about is the revelation of the truth of love, that is bigger than any differences or clashes.”

Dr. Rev. Kathy Hearn founded the Pacific Church of Religious Science in San Diego where she was Senior Minister for 15 years. She has been active in the leadership of United Church of Religious Science, having held the positions of President and Vice President of United Clergy of Religious Science and Vice Chair of the International Board of Trustees. Dr. Kathy has traveled around the United States and internationally to share the Global Heart Vision.

More information about Kathy can be found at and information about the Integration Conference where oneness will rebirth one organization where there has been two, can be found at

Cynthia James and Dr. Jordan Paul, hosts for Connections Radio, share a common passion for helping to heal separation and facilitate oneness. Our motto, “Stay Connected” means living in oneness with our authentic self and our family, including those with whom we live as well as every living thing with whom we share our planetary home.

STAY CONNECTED! with Connections Radio on Spirit Media Network.

Connections Radio Show is a project of Humanity’s Team

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, spiritual internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

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Connections Radio Presents Michael Fischman “The Journey From Head to Heart”

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Jordan Paul & Cynthia JamesMichael FischmanMichael Fischman is a leader in the field of personal development, best-selling author of Stumbling Into Infinity: An Ordinary Man in the Sphere of Enlightenment. Not too long ago, as a high-powered advertising executive he was on a very different path. And then, he met Sri Sri Ravi Shankar.

Michael says, “I’d been meditating for 12 years and although I had times of great serenity, something was missing. I thought I needed to focus on getting along better with people and have more quality relationships. Meeting Sri Sri Ravi Shankar and learning the powerful breathing technique that is the basis of The Art of Living workshop, changed the entire direction of my life.

“I never realized how powerful breathing could be as a way to control my mind and emotions. I couldn’t control my mind with my mind but through the breath I now have a say over my thought patterns and emotions.

“My spiritual practice is about the journey from my head to my heart. I used to be seeking truth and judging everybody and everything until I realized that love is the greatest power for transforming the world. In my personal relationships, there’s a lot more warmth and depth and appreciation for individuals.

“We’re all looking for joy and hope that finding the right person will complete us and fill us up. I now know that joy is something inside me and things cannot fill me. Things are like the icing on the cake but I’m the cake. I am that divine consciousness and when I experience my authentic self I realize that that’s the source of joy for which I so deeply yearn.

“Since taking my first workshop, my entire orientation towards oneness has changed. Before that time I was like a bull in a china shop. There was me and then there was the rest of the world. People were a vehicle to get what I needed. I wasn’t sensitive to people’s feelings or what other people needed.

“As time has gone on I’ve found my needs decreasing and I am able to take greater responsibility not just for my family but for the whole planet. And now my life is about service, the service of helping uplift others and work more effectively with them.

“The breathing technique that I use and teach is an action that we take with the breath that gives a clear vision of who we really are. It’s based on the simple principle that every emotion has a corresponding rhythm of breath. Emotions and breath have a direct correlation. With this knowledge, we use the breath to become aware of when we’re not in our center, eliminate the emotional toxins that we have been holding in our body, and then return to our center.”

The Art Of Living Foundation has programs all over the world working with all kinds of groups and individuals in need. The program that Fischman is very closely connected with is, “Youth Empowerment Seminars” YES teaches breathing techniques to 6,000 kids to help them get through school and their day. In the schools in which they have been working the program has significantly changed the drop out rate.

Michael Fischman is the U.S. president and one of the founding members of the nonprofit Art of Living Foundation, whose programs have impacted more than 25 million people around the world. He has led breathing and meditation workshops at the United Nations, NASA, the World Bank, IBM, the MD Anderson Cancer Center, the Army National Guard, and retreat programs in many other settings. A native New Yorker, he currently resides in Boca Raton, Florida. More about Michael and his fabulous book can be found at For more information about the Art of Living Workshops visit

Cynthia James and Dr. Jordan Paul, hosts for Connections Radio, share a common passion for helping to heal separation and facilitate oneness. Our motto, “Stay Connected” means living in oneness with our authentic self and our family, including those with whom we live as well as every living thing with whom we share our planetary home.

STAY CONNECTED! with Connections Radio on Spirit Media Network.

Connections Radio Show is a project of Humanity’s Team

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, spiritual internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

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Connections Radio Presents Mary Lou Makepeace “We’re In This Together”

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Jordan Paul & Cynthia JamesMary Lou MakepeaceMary Lou Makepeace has been the Executive Director of the Gay and Lesbian Foundation for Colorado since 2003. She also serves as vice-president for Colorado programs of the Gill Foundation. The Gay and Lesbian fund was started by Tim Gill to support non-profit organizations around Colorado, including healthy families, arts and culture, civic engagement, public broadcasting and event sponsorship.

Mary Lou says, “We are trying to advance equality in Colorado where everyone is treated equally and with respect. That includes all people not just LGBT people. The focus of our granting is helping our grantees become more economically self-sufficient and increasing their ability to advance equality within their organization as well as in the work they’re doing in the community.
“We’re unique in the philanthropic world. We are funded entirely by Tim Gill and therefore, not in competition with other non-profits for funds. There aren’t many organizations like ours in the country because there are not many Tim Gill’s out there.”

Mary Lou sees that, “The civil rights movement was not just about African-Americans, the women’s movement was not just about women and the movement for LGBT rights can’t just be about gay people. It has to be about all of us who are concerned with our fellow citizens and insuring the rights that are guaranteed in the Constitution.

“Ending homophobia requires both education and getting to know each other. This means non-LGBT people getting to know LGBT people and vice versa. When a non-gay person knows a gay person and sees that they are real people with aspirations, values, hurts and joys they change their minds about gay rights. The only way to overcome the demonization of gay people is through personal experience.

“We are being called to look at our neighbors, our brothers and sisters, and find our commonalities. We have so much more in common with one another then we have differences. Those who recognize that, need to be very vocal and active about broadcasting the message that we’re all in this together.

“Current times make me very nervous because there’s so much hostility, suspicion and distrust of government, as well as people who look different, worship differently or have a different sexual orientation. We as a society can’t survive with that kind of separation. We must embrace one another with all our differences and make America live what it was established to be, a place for all of us to be treated with respect and dignity.”

Mary Lou Makepeace was Colorado Springs’ first female mayor, serving from 1997 to 2003. As mayor, she led a nine-member city council, served as chairman of the board of Colorado Springs Utilities and provided oversight to city-owned Memorial Hospital. In addition, she is an adjunct faculty member for the Center for Creative Leadership at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, as well as running the Mary Lou Makepeace Group.

Prior to joining the Gill Foundation, Mary Lou was the executive director for Leadership Pikes Peak, where she managed an array of community leadership programs designed to develop leadership skills and promote civic involvement.

Her experience also includes being a teacher at the American School in Tananarive, Madagascar; assistant to the Defense Attaché at the American Embassy in Prague, Czechoslovakia following the Soviet invasion; and the adult education officer at Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany.

More information about Mary Lou and the work being done by the Gay and Lesbian Fund can be found at More information about Tim Gill and the work of the Gill Foundation can be found at

Cynthia James and Dr. Jordan Paul, hosts for Connections Radio, share a common passion for helping to heal separation and facilitate oneness. Our motto, “Stay Connected” means living in oneness with our authentic self and our family, including those with whom we live as well as every living thing with whom we share our planetary home.

STAY CONNECTED! with Connections Radio on Spirit Media Network.

Connections Radio Show is a project of Humanity’s Team

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, spiritual internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

“The New Spirit In Media ~ Media That Makes A Difference”

Connections Radio Presents Michael Beckwith “Waking Up”

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Jordan Paul & Cynthia JamesMichael BeckwithDr. Michael Bernard Beckwith is the founder and Spiritual Director of the Agape International Spiritual Center in Los Angeles, author of the award-winning book, Spiritual Liberation, and featured contributor to the book and film, “The Secret.”

The core of his knowing is that, “Oneness is the foundation piece of every authentic spiritual path. Spiritual practice provides the right conditions for people to wake up to the awareness that we are not separate from each other, from nature, and from God and that we are all intricately connected in a field of unity. This awareness liberates us from the thought forms that create fear and doubt and we see that life is conspiring for our good.”

He tell us that, “Balance is moving forward and relationships are nurtured when the people are moving forward with a vision of their life that is based on something bigger than themselves. When we are in relationships with a desire to grow in our capacity to give, share, be honest and to love, we grow our soul.”

In talking about this time when everything is being accelerated he calls on us to, “Touch in our spiritual practice that which is eternal and timeless so that they become more real to us than the changes we’re going through. When things are going well we tend to get lazy. When things are in flux, rather than bemoaning what is happening we need to use it to activate our inner genius and remember that there is a capacity, a power and talents within us that we haven’t tapped into.

“We’re always in a place of evolution and there are challenges all along the way. We don’t pray for a challenge free life. We pray for the strength to allow our gifts that are stronger than the challenges to keep emerging. That which we are facing is not bigger than what it faces because it is facing the infinite within us.

Michael never loses his humanness. Even though he is one of our most revered spiritual leaders, he does not present a false image of having ascended to a place above us all. He says, “I wake up everyday in celebration and thanksgiving knowing that it is going to be a day of challenge. I don’t fool myself into thinking that I’m just going to sail through everyday flying away on the wings of heaven. I define bliss as the activation of my potential. Whenever I overcome a challenge, bliss is released.”

Michael Beckwith is the host of “Wake Up: The sound of transformation” on radio station KPFK in Los Angeles. The show is focused on the awakening process and how to integrate it into everyday life particularly during times of change and transformation. For more information log on to For more information about Michael’s many activities and projects go to,

STAY CONNECTED! with Connections Radio on Spirit Media Network.

Connections Radio Show is a project of Humanity’s Team

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, spiritual internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

“The New Spirit In Media ~ Media That Makes A Difference”

Connections Radio Presents Neale Donald Walsch “Tuning In To The One”

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Jordan Paul & Cynthia JamesNeale Donald WalschNeale Donald Walsch had a distinguished career in communications arts before retiring to pursue his vision of a world in which people no longer live in fear of God, or of each other. He has written more than twenty books on spirituality and its practical application in everyday life, including the multimillion-selling “With God” series.
In his own inimitable down-to-earth style, Neale discusses how by changing our cultural thinking we can create a better world both personally and universally. Rather than trying to legislate the Ten Commandments he says, “We must think of them as Moses intended, as Ten Commitments that flow naturally when we are connected to God in our hearts.”

Neale shares his belief that, “Oneness means that we are living in a unified reality, everything is a manifestation of one thing and that one thing is what many people call God or if you please the essence, or primal energy of the universe. When we know that all things are one thing, then we can interact or use this one thing in a way that produces the life that we wish to have, as well as work with others to create what most of us want on the planet.”

Neale says that, “The problem facing humanity is a spiritual problem. It has to do with what we fundamentally believe about ourselves and God. To change our most basic cultural story about who and what God is we must increase awareness that this is the heart of the problem. Initiatives that are focused on this include actions such as the Humanity’s Team “Oneness Day” petition that was carried to the United Nations, and the Global Oneness Day event that was inaugurated this year.

“After consciousness is raised, we can look at our problems such as economics, politics, spirituality and education through a new lens, to see how they look when driven by the idea that we are all one. Rearranging our cultural story in this inspirational and fundamental way is what Humanity’s Team is about and what I address in my book, When Everything Changes Change Everything.”
Going beyond just giving a nice-sounding philosophy Neale offers many practical and useful tools for living connected to our oneness more of the time. He says that, “We can begin, by considering that if you really and genuinely thought that we are all one: What would your life be like? How would you behave, think, say and do? Once you begin in your own heart and soul you can spread oneness in your home, at the breakfast table, in your car on the way to work, and at night with the person you get into bed with.

Some basic tools that Neale offers for knowing and living more in oneness are:
1. In our daily lives to ask and answer the four basic questions: Who am I? Where am I? Why am I where I am? What do I intend to do about all of that?
2. Spend 2 ½ minutes using a mirror to look into your eyes without saying anything or thinking anything. After that time ask yourself, “Who am I and who is everyone else in relationship to me?”
3. Look into the eyes of others. Because the eyes are the windows to the soul when we do that we start to fall in love, we see the unity there, we see it all there, we see the Divine love there.
4. After looking into someone’s eyes, simply smile.
5. Give personal intended connections to others with physical touches.

He leaves us with the challenge to do this everyday for the next week and watch the profound changes that take place in your energy field.

For more information visit

Cynthia James and Dr. Jordan Paul, hosts for Connections Radio, share a common passion for helping to heal separation and facilitate oneness. Our motto, “Stay Connected” means living in oneness with our authentic self and our family, including those with whom we live as well as every living thing with whom we share our planetary home.

STAY CONNECTED! with Connections Radio on Spirit Media Network.

Connections Radio Show is a project of Humanity’s Team

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, spiritual internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

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Connections Radio Presents Gregg Braden “The Gift in the Shift”

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Jordan Paul & Cynthia JamesGregg BradenFor over 22 years, Gregg Braden searched high mountain villages, remote monasteries and forgotten texts to uncover their timeless secrets. Combining his discoveries with the best science of today, his original research crosses the traditional boundaries of science, history, and religion offering fresh insights into ancient mysteries. In doing so he has redefined our relationship to our inner and outer worlds, while sharing his life-affirming message of hope and possibility

He says, “In the presence of a changing world the systems that we have put in place are not sustainable. That opens the doors for opportunities to create new and sustainable systems. Those civilizations in the past that chose to create war in an effort to hang on dwindling resources and unsustainable ways of life collapsed and disappeared.

“I am in dialogue with many cutting edge thinkers such as Lynne Twist, Michael Beckwith and Deepak Chopra focusing on: 1) What we must do to learn to cooperate and work together as the family that we are, rather than operate from the fear and competition that is created by the old idea that there’s not enough to go around; and 2) Finding actionable concrete ways that we can use in our everyday lives and to wake up, become better people and create a better world.

“It takes a crisis for us to open to the possibility for change. Without the crisis it’s easy to be complacent. The changes in our world are inviting us to think differently about our relationship to the world and to each other. In that different way of thinking, choices become clear and the path becomes obvious. Giving a voice to our time and making the facts clear is how consciousness will shift.

“The key to our future lies in the wisdom of our past. One of the things that we can learn from our ancestors is that our individual choices become our collective answer. So, each of us can look at how we choose to live each moment of every day. For example, what choices do we make in the kinds of:

  • Businesses we support? Do we choose the cheapest products or those that are better for our bodies and our planet?
  • Foods we put into our bodies? Do we consciously choose foods that are naturally healthy and are not produced in ways that leave a huge carbon footprint?
  • Media that we put into our minds? Do we surround ourselves with images that display cooperation, compassion, peace and harmony and thus are life affirming and sustaining?
  • Education we support? Do we advocate for school systems that give our young people a complete world-view of ancient history including alternative ways of looking at our role in nature and creation rather than the outdated view that we are masters of nature and our role is to use, control and dominate?
  • Politics we support? The rubber of our spiritual traditions meets the road of our political reality when we advocate for the systems that are looking for more reasonable ways to solve our problems rather than going to war against our family in other parts of the world.

“Spiritual and science traditions merge and marry to take us into a greater wisdom than either can offer by itself. The science is showing us that there is no ‘them in us’ when we begin to live heart-centered ways of life that embrace the above principles. Living heart-centered lives changes us and that change is part of a field that connects all life, every blade of grass, every CEO and every leader of every nation.

“The question that each of us needs to answer is, “What do we as individuals feed into that field?” Because whatever nutrition we choose to feed into that field will determine what our world and our lives to look like.”

New York Times best selling author Gregg Braden is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science and spirituality. Following a successful career as a Computer Geologist for Phillips Petroleum during the 1970s energy crisis, he became a Senior Computer Systems Designer for Martin Marietta Defense Systems during the last years of the Cold War. In 1991 he was appointed the first Technical Operations Manager for Cisco Systems where he led the development of the global support team that assures the reliability of today’s internet.

His tremendous amount of research is reflected in such paradigm-shattering books as The Isaiah Effect, The God Code, The Divine Matrix, The Spontaneous Healing of Belief and his most recent book, Fractal Time:  The Secret of 2012 and a new World Age. His books and CDs that are available at

Gregg is a keynote speaker at the ground-breaking conference, “The Gift In The Shift, taking place in Sedona, Arizona on January 21, 2011. More information about the conference is available at,

Cynthia James and Dr. Jordan Paul, hosts for Connections Radio, share a common passion for helping to heal separation and facilitate oneness. Our motto, “Stay Connected” means living in oneness with our authentic self and our family, including those with whom we live as well as every living thing with whom we share our planetary home.
STAY CONNECTED! with Connections Radio on Spirit Media Network.

Connections Radio Show is a project of Humanity’s Team

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, spiritual internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

“The New Spirit In Media ~ Media That Makes A Difference”

Connections Radio Presents Amy Serrano “Rising From the Ashes”

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Jordan Paul & Cynthia JamesAmy Serrano

Amy Serrano’s life is about the courage to tell the truth even at those times when it has put her in great personal peril. Her story begins with the oppression in her native land that separated her from family and home. Today in films and now a book, she tells the stories of people having to deal with the darkness of injustice or tragedy in hopes of bringing light, elevating, and awakening others to either change things or rise to their personal best.

Amy is a published poet, writer, and award-winning filmmaker. Most recently, she shot, produced, wrote and directed the feature-length and critically acclaimed, “The Sugar Babies.” The film explores the lives of the descendants of the first Africans delivered to the island of Hispaniola for the bittersweet commodity that once ruled the world.

Amongst other honors, in May of 2008, MEGA TV named her one of the “most influential and recognized Hispanics in the United States.” She has received honors by the City of Miami with a proclamation making October 27 “Amy Serrano Day” and has been named “Woman of the Year” in the Millennium Spanish Edition of Glamour Magazine.

Amy says that, “The early loss of family and homeland forged my original separation wound but it also made me highly resilient. So I feel as though I’ve been hardwired to seek oneness and live within the oneness whenever and wherever I could find it.” Her goal is to make it sustainable, she says.

She goes on, “Filmmaking became the perfect vehicle of oneness for giving voice and vision to the issues where oneness was not present. The films that I have surrendered to making illuminate some of the darkness that is out there in the world and helps others live lives of freedom and choice. That’s what led me to make “The Sugar Babies” which is about modern day slavery and the trafficking of Haitian families to work on the sugar plantations in the Dominican Republic.”

As a consequence, Amy is carefully developing a women’s organic farming project to help mothers sustainably feed their children. This grew out of her efforts to satisfy the immediate need for food and supplies to Haitians after the recent devastating earthquake, but the seeds of it were actually planted during the 18months Amy spent visiting the island to document conditions for “Sugar Babies.” Realizing that beyond immediate relief efforts, the long-term need was for sustainability, she is developing a plan to acquire some land and technical assistance to launch this project on Hispaniola. The idea is based on the ability that mothers will be able to grow enough food to feed their families, and being able to sell-off or barter the excess in order to acquire other necessary goods and resources for the family unit.

Creatively, Amy is also writing a non-fiction book entitled “This is Who We Are: Lessons from New Orleans on Resilience, Reinvention and Sustainability.” The book features interviews and portraits of individuals and organization who lost it all yet survived tragedy and devastation to find ways to begin again and thrive in a post-Katrina and post-oil spill New Orleans. She says, “It’s about the good things that I see happening and the inspiring lessons that New Orleans has to offer from those who’ve suffered great personal loss and public tragedy and will rise, but even higher this time. It’s the universal story of the Phoenix rising from the ashes.”

To find out more about Amy’s film go to and for more information about the book on New Orleans or to help with the women’s organic farming project, email Amy directly.

STAY CONNECTED! with Connections Radio on Spirit Media Network.

Connections Radio Show is a project of Humanity’s Team

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, spiritual internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

“The New Spirit In Media ~ Media That Makes A Difference”

Connections Radio Presents Peter Kater “Nature is My Muse”

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Jordan Paul & Cynthia JamesPeter KaterPeter Kater, a leading innovator of contemporary instrumental music, began studying the piano when he was seven. Even at this young age Peter was compelled to play the classical music he was learning “his way”. He wasn’t applauded for his own sense of melody, time and structure, but rather discouraged from being unique and improvising around well-known classical themes. He said, “When I began to find my own voice, I didn’t want to play anything the same way twice. Being in the moment and spontaneous was and still is very important to me, both musically and personally.

“My music has become more and more important to me over the years. As I’ve tried to find more of myself through my music it has become the cleanest expression of my life, the part of myself that I value most. It is the release valve for everything that I love and am passionate about.

“Nature is everything. It’s the purest expression of life and existence. When I spend time in nature, I start shedding the layers of my thoughts and concepts and a presence starts to happen. It has gotten to be a very profound experience.

“My life, whether it’s with my music, in nature, or with my son, is all about listening and being focused. For example, when I’m in nature and I let all the images come inside me, it transforms my experience of reality. I’ve taken this process into my personal relationships as well. When my son is having difficulties, being present and deeply listening to him what comes through is what I need to do to be really helpful.

“One of the great gifts of being successful is that I’ve realized that there’s really nowhere to go. Life is not about getting somewhere, it’s about being in here, in my heart.

“God, or the universe, is seeking us. When we get quiet God finds us and instills us with so much more then we could have conceptualized or anticipated. At this time in our lives God is seeking us more than ever. The opportunity to experience a much deeper inner transformation is riper right now that it ever has been.”

Peter Kater is a multi-platinum selling pianist composer who has received 6 Grammy Award nominations in the last 7 years. He has scored over 100 television and film programs including 11 on and off Broadway dramatic plays.

Peter has been nominated for and won many awards for his music and is a proud recipient of the United Nations’ Environment Leadership Award. He is known for the diversity and technical and emotional quality and intensity of his music. He follows his own Muse (a prolific one at that) through a variety of instrumental genres never sitting comfortably in any single one. His love, respect and commitment to the natural world fuels much of his creative urges and instincts.

In his newest recording, “Call of Love” Peter invites three of the most gifted musicians of our time to create a beautifully melodic, richly colorful and textural recording that transcends many genre’s at once. It is a pure hybrid of instrumental music originating from the core of Peter’s most prolific and inspired Muse, the Natural World. You can find out much more about Peter at

Cynthia James and Dr. Jordan Paul, your hosts for Connections Radio, share a common passion for helping to heal separation and facilitate oneness. Our motto, “Stay Connected” means living in oneness with our authentic self and our family, including those with whom we live as well as every living thing with whom we share our planetary home.

STAY CONNECTED! with Connections Radio on Spirit Media Network.

Connections Radio Show is a project of Humanity’s Team

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, spiritual internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

“The New Spirit In Media ~ Media That Makes A Difference”

Connections Radio Show December Line-up ‘Rocks’

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December 3, 2010 Denver, CO

Our world cries out for oneness. This months Featured Guests and Everyday Heroes drawn from different disciplines illustrate how the universality and power of oneness can solve our most pressing problems both internationally and personally. “Connections Radio: Awakening Oneness Within Us All” ( is the antidote to the separateness plaguing our lives.

Cynthia James ( and Dr. Jordan Paul (, co-hosts of this exciting weekly international internet radio variety talk show, are on a mission to inspire greater oneness both within us and in our world, while providing practical ideas that encourage this process.

The show features prominent cutting edge thinkers, business leaders, celebrities and humanitarians sharing their wisdom and practical experiences for living more connected lives. Just a few of the stimulating future guests include: Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, founder and spiritual leader of The Agape Spiritual Center and Terri Amos-Britt for Miss USA.

Dec. 7 – Featured Guest Peter Kater is a leading innovator of contemporary instrumental music. In his segment, Nature is My Muse, Peter discusses finding his own voice which meant being in the moment and spontaneous both musically and personally. He says, “One of the great gifts of being successful is that I’ve realized that there’s really nowhere to go. Life is not about getting somewhere, it’s about being in here, in my heart.”

Dec. 14 – In “Rising From The Ashes” featured Guest Amy Serrano, a leading Latina acticist, discusses the courage it takes to stand in your truth. Facing incredible opposition, including death threats, didn’t deter Amy for making “The Sugar Babies” her award-winning film about current-day slavery in the Dominican Republic.

Dec. 21 – “The Gift in The Shift” is the subject for our Featured Guest Gregg Braden internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science and spirituality. He says, “In the presence of a changing world the systems that we have put in place are not sustainable. That opens the doors for opportunities to create new and sustainable systems. Those civilizations in the past that chose to create war in an effort to hang on dwindling resources and unsustainable ways of life collapsed and disappeared.

Dec. 28 – Neale Donald Walsch, best selling author of the “Conversations with God” series imparts his timeless wisdom about oneness and practical ideas for living in the blessed state more of the time.

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Connections Radio Show is a project of Humanity’s Team

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, spiritual internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

“The New Spirit In Media ~ Media That Makes A Difference”

Connections Radio Presents Barbara Marx Hubbard “Conscious Evolution”

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Jordan Paul & Cynthia JamesBarbara Marx HubbardBarbara Marx Hubbard is a visionary, social innovator, author, educator and leader in the new worldview of conscious evolution. She describes conscious evolution as the awakening of the spiritual, social, and scientific potential of humanity, in harmony with nature, for the highest good of all life.

Barbara has worked closely with some of the great innovators of our time such as Dr. Jonas Salk and Abraham Maslow. The great Buckminster Fuller said of her, “She is the best informed human now alive regarding futurism and the foresights it has produced.”

Barbara was awakened through the writing of Teilhard de Chardin who said, “God is an evolution toward higher forms of being.” From the writings of Sri Aurobindo and Buckminster Fuller she discovered that in each of us is the universe in person.

Barbara says that, “The evolution of human beings is moving from being unconscious to conscious choice. With an evolutionary spiritual perspective we are in the sacred way of conscious evolution. We learn in evolution that crisis precedes transformation. In that consciousness, no matter what crisis we individually, or our society, is facing we’re always looking for what’s innovative and couldn’t have been brought forth without the crisis.

“So, whenever I get depressed or disoriented and don’t know what I’m doing, I tune back in to the deeper current of purpose, what I call my vocation of destiny. The vocation in the heart of all of us is unconditional love of God and others expressed as your own unique gift. What it is that you are called to give in the world is God incarnate creating in you.”

One of Barbara’s most amazing accomplishments was her nomination for Vice-President. At the 1983 Democratic Convention, in a 30 second speech she amassed over 200 delegates with a simple, yet profound idea that one function that should be in the office of the Vice-President was a Peace Room. It would be as sophisticated as the War Room and its function would be to scan for, map, connect and communicate what’s working in America and the world.

Although she was way ahead of her time she sees that today through social networks The Peace Room is a real possibility. By finding out what’s working and facilitating people finding their teammates and partners, the social/civil society that is everywhere will find a way to self-organize and be uplifted. Elected officials will be included but they can’t do it within the oppositional consciousness that now pervades our political system.

In her film, “Visions Of A Universal Humanity,” Barbara shares her planetary birth story and invites other evolutionary pioneers to tell the story of their evolutionary birth. Barbara says, “With evolutionary eyes you can stand outside the system and see that you are the product of the great universal story of creation and within you is the same Divine creativity that is creating the universe.”

Through her Foundation for Conscious Evolution, her books, movies, educational programs, TV appearances, interviews and speaking engagements, Barbara’s message continues to bring answers and comfort to global audiences seeking solutions to today’s most pressing issues.

You can find out much more about Barbara at and more about her films at

Cynthia James and Dr. Jordan Paul, your hosts for Connections Radio, share a common passion for helping to heal separation and facilitate oneness. Our motto, “Stay Connected” means living in oneness with our authentic self and our family, including those with whom we live as well as every living thing with whom we share our planetary home.

STAY CONNECTED! with Connections Radio on Spirit Media Network.

Connections Radio Show is a project of Humanity’s Team

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, spiritual internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

“The New Spirit In Media ~ Media That Makes A Difference”