“Surrender to the Mystery” With Jerry Wennstrom & Ken Ludwig, Making It Out Alive

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Ken LudwigJerry WennstromWe need to fully traverse the territory of life –allow it to unfold – we need to co-create and tend it well. Jerry’s life has been a product of this tending – he surrendered. Facing fears is an incredible liberation. When we give our heart and soul to whatever it is we believe in we will come up against those limitations of our humanity and it is at that point that we can choose to be a new way of being on the planet or retreat into fear and continue to do the things we are doing. Jerry says that facing your fears is like learning to dance – each step, the clumsiness is terrifying and awkward and that which is a fearless confrontation becomes a beautiful expression. We invite you to be inspired with Ken and Jerry for this profound and fascinating discussion and story telling of this artist’s journey of transformation.

In the late 1970s, Jerry Wennstrom was a rising star in the New York art world when he realized his identity as an artist had become too small a container for him and set out to discover the rock-bottom truth of his life. He destroyed his large body of art, gave away his possessions and spent the next 15 years living in the moment, surrendered to unconditional trust. Jerry is an artist, author of “The Inspired Heart: An Artist’s Journey of Transformation” and the subject of Parabola/Sentient Publications documentary video, “In the Hands of Alchemy.” www.handsofalchemy.com

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Connections Radio Presents Steve Bhaerman “Comedy disguised as wisdom, wisdom disguised as comedy”

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Jordan Paul begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting & Cynthia JamesSteve BhaermanFor the past 25 years, Steve Bhaerman has written and performed as Swami Beyondananda, the “Cosmic Comic.” Swami’s comedy has been called “irreverently uplifting.”

Steve says, “The humor I grew up insulted people but the Swami’s humor is a great delivery system for spiritual wisdom. It comes in under the radar so people don’t realize that they’re learning a lesson.” For example, “Life is too important to be taken seriously.”; “Living in the now will be the wave of the future.”; Time itself will become a thing of the past.”

Steve’s serious intellectual side is expressed in Spontaneous Evolution that he co-authored with cellular biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton. The book weaves together science, spirituality, economics, politics, psychology into a narrative story that looks at how modern science, which is resonant with ancient wisdom, gives us a different reality from conventional scientific thinking. For example, modern science tell us that we are much greater than what we have been told, and that essentially we are all cells in the same organism called humanity. Steve says, “The modern day changing of the guard is changing the beliefs that are standing guard at our doors of perception.”

Steve says, “My greatest learning in writing Spontaneous Evolution came from seeing how the four fundamental beliefs that form the current dominant paradigm of scientific materialism have all been disproved. For example, many scientists are still telling us that the material world is the only thing that exists. Yet at the sub-atomic level it’s only energy. We’ve been told it’s ‘survival of the fittest.’ But in reality, since systems evolve together, cooperation, not competition, is the way that nature works. So, the world that we imagined as possible is not only possible but it is our destiny.”

The three steps necessary to bring about a new way of living are:

1) Evolutionary awareness. Stepping out of the matrix of the beliefs that create the dualities that keep us separate such as, you/me, conservative/progressive, masculine/feminine and recognizing that we are all one.
2) Evolutionary Intention. Since living as one is not inevitable and won’t happen without us, we must make a commitment to live in oneness
3) Evolutionary Practice. Doing something each day that reminds us of our oneness

Steve concludes with “surrender” as a central idea that guides his life. Or, as the Swami might say, “The universe has us surrounded so we might as well surrender.” Steve says, “When I have an intention and I am in the flow with it, I’m not trying to make something happen. My will and the universal coincide with one another and are not operating a cross-purpose. Rather than merely trying to make something happen, I trust that there is a knowing deeper than my ego knowing.”

He quotes spiritual philosopher David Spangler, “On the level of the personality, our ego, abundance is a quantity. From the soul’s standpoint, abundance is a quality.”

As the Swami, Steve is the author of many books including, Driving Your Own Karma, and When You See a Sacred Cow, Milk It For All It’s Worth. He has also co-authored Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here with cellular biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton (author of The Biology of Belief), published by Hay House. The CD series of the same name has been released by Sounds True.

Steve is a frequent performer and presenter at conferences worldwide, as well as in theaters, churches, and other spiritual centers. In addition to his work as the Swami, Steve is a noted teacher of transformational humor and his e-book is, Wake Up Laughing: An Insider’s Guide to the Cosmic Comedy. Since 2005, Steve has written a political blog with a spiritual perspective, Notes From the Trail, hailed as an encouraging voice “in the bewilderness.”

You can find out much more about Steve including his current worldwide trip at www.wakeuplaughing.com

Cynthia James and Dr. Jordan Paul, your hosts for Connections Radio, share a common passion for helping to heal separation and facilitate oneness. Our motto, “Stay Connected” means living in oneness with our authentic self and our family, including those with whom we live as well as every living thing with whom we share our planetary home.

STAY CONNECTED! with Connections Radio on Spirit Media Network.

Connections Radio Show is a project of Humanity’s Team

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, spiritual internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

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