“Building Strength” With Ken Ludwig, Making It Out Alive

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Ken LudwigKen highlights tips from The Holiday Series featuring Dr. James Rouse, Cynthia James, Dr. Debra Rouse and James Armstrong.  He points out how they can be applied to today, this New Year for any situation that pushes your buttons or challenges your authenticity.   Be inspired as Ken guides you into 2011 reminding you that holistic involution is the key to your strength, power and self-love.

Ken Ludwig is a speaker, coach and radio talk show host.  He has been sharing his inspirational story of living a more conscious and spiritual life to national audiences for many years through diverse mediums. Like many children of the 60’s, Ludwig thoroughly enjoyed the sex, drugs and rock & roll lifestyle that gave him an up close and personal look at the bottom of the barrel.  Today, Ludwig still rocks, but now he does it with a passion for a spiritual practice that saved his life, many times over.  Ludwig is a coaching licensee with Business Growth Solutions, a certified Career Intuitive Coach and a Licensed Practitioner for the United Centers for Spiritual Living, serving for Mile Hi Church in Denver.  He has been hosting  “What We’re Thinking About” on Co-CreatorNetwork.com for the last three years and is thrilled to spread his recovered living message on this show, “Making It Alive” with Spirit Media Network.

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Connections Radio Presents Gregg Braden “The Gift in the Shift”

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Jordan Paul & Cynthia JamesGregg BradenFor over 22 years, Gregg Braden searched high mountain villages, remote monasteries and forgotten texts to uncover their timeless secrets. Combining his discoveries with the best science of today, his original research crosses the traditional boundaries of science, history, and religion offering fresh insights into ancient mysteries. In doing so he has redefined our relationship to our inner and outer worlds, while sharing his life-affirming message of hope and possibility

He says, “In the presence of a changing world the systems that we have put in place are not sustainable. That opens the doors for opportunities to create new and sustainable systems. Those civilizations in the past that chose to create war in an effort to hang on dwindling resources and unsustainable ways of life collapsed and disappeared.

“I am in dialogue with many cutting edge thinkers such as Lynne Twist, Michael Beckwith and Deepak Chopra focusing on: 1) What we must do to learn to cooperate and work together as the family that we are, rather than operate from the fear and competition that is created by the old idea that there’s not enough to go around; and 2) Finding actionable concrete ways that we can use in our everyday lives and to wake up, become better people and create a better world.

“It takes a crisis for us to open to the possibility for change. Without the crisis it’s easy to be complacent. The changes in our world are inviting us to think differently about our relationship to the world and to each other. In that different way of thinking, choices become clear and the path becomes obvious. Giving a voice to our time and making the facts clear is how consciousness will shift.

“The key to our future lies in the wisdom of our past. One of the things that we can learn from our ancestors is that our individual choices become our collective answer. So, each of us can look at how we choose to live each moment of every day. For example, what choices do we make in the kinds of:

  • Businesses we support? Do we choose the cheapest products or those that are better for our bodies and our planet?
  • Foods we put into our bodies? Do we consciously choose foods that are naturally healthy and are not produced in ways that leave a huge carbon footprint?
  • Media that we put into our minds? Do we surround ourselves with images that display cooperation, compassion, peace and harmony and thus are life affirming and sustaining?
  • Education we support? Do we advocate for school systems that give our young people a complete world-view of ancient history including alternative ways of looking at our role in nature and creation rather than the outdated view that we are masters of nature and our role is to use, control and dominate?
  • Politics we support? The rubber of our spiritual traditions meets the road of our political reality when we advocate for the systems that are looking for more reasonable ways to solve our problems rather than going to war against our family in other parts of the world.

“Spiritual and science traditions merge and marry to take us into a greater wisdom than either can offer by itself. The science is showing us that there is no ‘them in us’ when we begin to live heart-centered ways of life that embrace the above principles. Living heart-centered lives changes us and that change is part of a field that connects all life, every blade of grass, every CEO and every leader of every nation.

“The question that each of us needs to answer is, “What do we as individuals feed into that field?” Because whatever nutrition we choose to feed into that field will determine what our world and our lives to look like.”

New York Times best selling author Gregg Braden is internationally renowned as a pioneer in bridging science and spirituality. Following a successful career as a Computer Geologist for Phillips Petroleum during the 1970s energy crisis, he became a Senior Computer Systems Designer for Martin Marietta Defense Systems during the last years of the Cold War. In 1991 he was appointed the first Technical Operations Manager for Cisco Systems where he led the development of the global support team that assures the reliability of today’s internet.

His tremendous amount of research is reflected in such paradigm-shattering books as The Isaiah Effect, The God Code, The Divine Matrix, The Spontaneous Healing of Belief and his most recent book, Fractal Time:  The Secret of 2012 and a new World Age. His books and CDs that are available at www.greggbraden.com.

Gregg is a keynote speaker at the ground-breaking conference, “The Gift In The Shift, taking place in Sedona, Arizona on January 21, 2011. More information about the conference is available at, www.stellarproductionslive.com.

Cynthia James and Dr. Jordan Paul, hosts for Connections Radio, share a common passion for helping to heal separation and facilitate oneness. Our motto, “Stay Connected” means living in oneness with our authentic self and our family, including those with whom we live as well as every living thing with whom we share our planetary home.
STAY CONNECTED! with Connections Radio on Spirit Media Network.

Connections Radio Show is a project of Humanity’s Team

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, spiritual internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

“The New Spirit In Media ~ Media That Makes A Difference”

Connections Radio Presents Steve Bhaerman “Comedy disguised as wisdom, wisdom disguised as comedy”

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Jordan Paul begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting & Cynthia JamesSteve BhaermanFor the past 25 years, Steve Bhaerman has written and performed as Swami Beyondananda, the “Cosmic Comic.” Swami’s comedy has been called “irreverently uplifting.”

Steve says, “The humor I grew up insulted people but the Swami’s humor is a great delivery system for spiritual wisdom. It comes in under the radar so people don’t realize that they’re learning a lesson.” For example, “Life is too important to be taken seriously.”; “Living in the now will be the wave of the future.”; Time itself will become a thing of the past.”

Steve’s serious intellectual side is expressed in Spontaneous Evolution that he co-authored with cellular biologist, Dr. Bruce Lipton. The book weaves together science, spirituality, economics, politics, psychology into a narrative story that looks at how modern science, which is resonant with ancient wisdom, gives us a different reality from conventional scientific thinking. For example, modern science tell us that we are much greater than what we have been told, and that essentially we are all cells in the same organism called humanity. Steve says, “The modern day changing of the guard is changing the beliefs that are standing guard at our doors of perception.”

Steve says, “My greatest learning in writing Spontaneous Evolution came from seeing how the four fundamental beliefs that form the current dominant paradigm of scientific materialism have all been disproved. For example, many scientists are still telling us that the material world is the only thing that exists. Yet at the sub-atomic level it’s only energy. We’ve been told it’s ‘survival of the fittest.’ But in reality, since systems evolve together, cooperation, not competition, is the way that nature works. So, the world that we imagined as possible is not only possible but it is our destiny.”

The three steps necessary to bring about a new way of living are:

1) Evolutionary awareness. Stepping out of the matrix of the beliefs that create the dualities that keep us separate such as, you/me, conservative/progressive, masculine/feminine and recognizing that we are all one.
2) Evolutionary Intention. Since living as one is not inevitable and won’t happen without us, we must make a commitment to live in oneness
3) Evolutionary Practice. Doing something each day that reminds us of our oneness

Steve concludes with “surrender” as a central idea that guides his life. Or, as the Swami might say, “The universe has us surrounded so we might as well surrender.” Steve says, “When I have an intention and I am in the flow with it, I’m not trying to make something happen. My will and the universal coincide with one another and are not operating a cross-purpose. Rather than merely trying to make something happen, I trust that there is a knowing deeper than my ego knowing.”

He quotes spiritual philosopher David Spangler, “On the level of the personality, our ego, abundance is a quantity. From the soul’s standpoint, abundance is a quality.”

As the Swami, Steve is the author of many books including, Driving Your Own Karma, and When You See a Sacred Cow, Milk It For All It’s Worth. He has also co-authored Spontaneous Evolution: Our Positive Future and a Way to Get There From Here with cellular biologist Dr. Bruce Lipton (author of The Biology of Belief), published by Hay House. The CD series of the same name has been released by Sounds True.

Steve is a frequent performer and presenter at conferences worldwide, as well as in theaters, churches, and other spiritual centers. In addition to his work as the Swami, Steve is a noted teacher of transformational humor and his e-book is, Wake Up Laughing: An Insider’s Guide to the Cosmic Comedy. Since 2005, Steve has written a political blog with a spiritual perspective, Notes From the Trail, hailed as an encouraging voice “in the bewilderness.”

You can find out much more about Steve including his current worldwide trip at www.wakeuplaughing.com

Cynthia James and Dr. Jordan Paul, your hosts for Connections Radio, share a common passion for helping to heal separation and facilitate oneness. Our motto, “Stay Connected” means living in oneness with our authentic self and our family, including those with whom we live as well as every living thing with whom we share our planetary home.

STAY CONNECTED! with Connections Radio on Spirit Media Network.

Connections Radio Show is a project of Humanity’s Team

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, spiritual internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

“The New Spirit In Media ~ Media That Makes A Difference”

Absorbing the Pain of Others with Ken Ludwig & Dr. Michael Smith on “Making It Out Alive”

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Ken LudwigDr. Michael SmithThis week Ken talks with Dr. Michael Smith on the complexities of being sensitive to the vicissitudes of life and avoiding self-medication. Michael, a physical empath, points out the underlying pain that causes those who are most sensitive to seek an escape. This is inspiring and supportive information that offers Native American spirituality and rituals to help us move past those self-destructive behaviors.

For over two decades, Dr. Michael R. Smith, Ph.D., has helped thousands of people all over the world connect to their highest selves as a coach, healer, and spiritual medium. A former professor of counseling at the University of Wyoming, Michael’s current mission is to assist empaths and highly sensitive people to reclaim their inner power.  He has given workshops worldwide, including at New York’s famed Omega Institute.  His metaphysically oriented books have risen to #1 in several categories on Amazon, and his latest book, Navigating 2012, has been endorsed by NY Times bestselling authors such as Sonia Choquette.  Over 200,000 people have accessed his free resources and his free monthly newsletters. www.EmpathConnection.com

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Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

“The New Spirit In Media ~ Media That Makes A Difference”

“Connections Radio” September Radio Show Lineup

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Jordan Paul & Cynthia JamesIn September, “Connections Radio” presents four powerful featured guests and four inspirational Everyday Heroes on Spirit Media Network.

Our world cries out for oneness. This months Featured Guests and Everyday Heroes drawn from different disciplines illustrate how the universality and power of oneness can solve our most pressing problems both internationally and personally.  “Connections Radio: Awakening Oneness Within Us All” (www.spiritmedianetwork.com/crs.htm) is the antidote to the separateness plaguing our lives.

Cynthia James (www.cynthiajames.net) and Dr. Jordan Paul (www.drjordanpaul.com), co-hosts of this exciting weekly international internet radio variety talk show, are on a mission to inspire greater oneness both within us and in our world, while providing practical ideas that encourage this process.

The show features prominent cutting edge thinkers, business leaders, celebrities and humanitarians sharing their wisdom and practical experiences for living more connected lives. Just a few of the stimulating future guests include: Lance Secretan, former CEO of Manpower Inc., Kenny Loggins, pop star legend, and Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith, founder and spiritual leader of The Agape Spiritual Center.

Sep. 7 – In “Business As Unusual” Bill Mosher presents a picture of real estate and the built environment as creating welcoming places that are sustainable in a long term, conscious manner. The Everyday Hero is Dr. Robin Wood, Founding President of Renaissance2, working with thousands of organizations to co-catalyze the shift to a renewable economy and world-centric consciousness.

Sep. 14 – In “Making Laughter, Making Love”  Yakov Smirnoff blends his unique brand of comedy with opening the heart. The Everyday Hero is Patricia Melnice creator of Tough Angels, working in South Africa to support and advocate for abused women.

Sep. 21 – In “One Plus One Equals Eleven” Arielle Ford, author of The Soulmate Secret shares how to magnetize a romantic partner in your life. The Everyday Hero is Rev. Jill Gwen Braginets creator of Go Soular that organizes travel experiences that allows people to help create safe, healthy, self-sufficient communities around the world.

Sep. 28 – In “The Harmony of Wellness – Mind, Body and Soul” wellness guru James Rouse explains how oneness and mindfulness practiced together, means every experience is an opportunity for deeper wellness. The Everyday Hero is Laura Weaver, Co-director of PassageWorks Institute, providing educators and school leaders a practical, relationship-centered approach to transforming the culture of classrooms, schools and districts.

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Connections Radio Show is a project of Humanity’s Team

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, spiritual internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

“The New Spirit In Media ~ Media That Makes A Difference”

Is Our Story Our Truth? with Sue Oliver & Ken Ludwig, “Making It Out Alive”

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Ken LudwigHolistically speaking, every piece of our lives has four aspects; the emotional, the mental, the physical and the Spiritual. New Thought Minister and Spiritual teacher Sue Oliver speaks with Ken about activating our Spiritual truth in transcending self-destructive behaviors. They discuss developing an awareness of slipping into “the story” – the drama that we have created which we use to validate our feelings of separation from our Source.  Ken and Sue give their listeners techniques on how they might use that awareness to affirm who they really are. That way we can teach ourselves to place our “I am” statements in front of positive, life-affirming claims about our true selves and cease attaching them to phrases that continually identify us with or as our story.

The path to freedom from those addictions and self-defeating habits is paved with the clear knowledge that the behavior we wish to be free of is no longer acceptable in our lives. We may need the help of a rehab or 12 Step program to get there, but once we have arrived at that knowledge, we can move forward with conviction and use it for the purpose of creating new thinking and a new life.

Sue Oliver is a dynamic success coach who supports bold, talented individuals who want to leap fully and vibrantly into their passions for making big contributions in the world – aka Passioneers®.  Her mission?  To prove that when you do what you love, the rest DOES follow, especially if you are giving back.  She calls herself a Passioneer Ambassador who provides clients with a custom blend of business and life coaching that encompasses the mind, body, and spirit. She recently launched The Passions and Possibilities Project and radio show by the same name, which profile the journeys of thriving Passioneers in order to inspire others who are scared or discouraged about their own leap to greatness.  Sue is also a New Thought minister, volunteer business coach for several groups, and animal lover.  More about Sue and how to contact her: http://www.PassionsandPossibilities.com

VISIT “Making It Out Alive – Conscious New Thinking That Rocks – Providing New Perspectives for the Empowered Life” on Spirit Media Network.

Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, spiritual internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

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Deepening the Spiritual Message of Recovery with Soni Cantrell-Smith & Ken Ludwig, “Making It Out Alive”

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Ken LudwigGuest Rev. Soni Cantrell-Smith talks with Ken about her experience of AA and how it saved her life. Soni & Ken also talk about the deeper Spiritual piece that is perhaps missing in the AA model. They speak to the idea that some people in recovery might need to take other steps to heal the original ideas or core beliefs that they were trying to self-medicate at the start. Soni shares her wisdom on why the AA model is successful and personally, her most effective “step”.

Listen in on how Soni’s play, “The Enlightenment – A Musical in 12 Steps” was born.  It was no accident.  Soni tells the story of how Spirit sent her the message without details and how the music and lyrics flooded into her and her partner’s consciousness. This profound play offers an empowering message for everyone.

Reverend Soni Cantrell-Smith is the founding Minister and community spiritual leader for Ahava, Center for Spiritual Living, in Lexington, Kentucky. Rev. Soni is also a member of Alcoholics Anonymous and has been since 1988.  She facilitates a workshop called “Perfect and Powerless, Uniting 12 steps with New Thought”.   She has also written, along with John Kito, a musical titled The Enlightenment, which takes place at a twelve step meeting.  More about Soni at www.AhavaCenter.com

“Making It Out Alive – Conscious New Thinking That Rocks – Providing New Perspectives for the Empowered Life”

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Spirit Media Network is the online positive media network designed to provide you with the best in positive internet radio, spiritual internet tv and inspirational music. Our inspirational podcasts and vodcasts are designed to meet and exceed your desire for positive media that truly makes a difference worldwide.

“The New Spirit In Media ~ Media That Makes A Difference”