Yoko Ono Speaks on Global Oneness Day October 24, 2010



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“Oneness” by Dr. Jordan Paul

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Dr Jordan PaulOneness is the central organizing principle of my life.  Whenever I am one with my authentic self, my heart, I am whole.  My life is heavenly and flowing and I feel completely at peace and fulfilled.  I am also perfectly connected to everyone and everything around me, including a Spirit that is greater than myself. In that state I cannot disrespect others or nature and I cannot compromise my own integrity.  The basis of my ideas about oneness can be summed up in the profound words of John Lennon, Moses and Jesus that follow.

I believe that “Imagine” is one of the most popular songs of all time because it speaks to our heart’s yearning for oneness.  When you allow John Lennon’s words and music to fill your heart, what does your heart tell you about your desire for oneness?  Not just living in a peaceful world but peace within yourself as well as all your communities, including your home and workplace.

In Meeting Jesus Again For The First Time, professor and renowned Jesus scholar Dr. Marcus Borg writes “For Jesus, compassion was the central quality of God and central moral quality of a life centered in God.”  If the central quality of the heart is compassion, then working to integrate compassion into our hearts is the work of the evolutionary change that can take place in our personal lives and in our world.

This is reflected in a little known interpretation of Moses receiving the Ten Commandments.  In it, God does not give his commandments in the form of a series of “Thou shalt nots” but as values that began with, “When I (God) am in your heart you will not . . .”  Trying to legislate the Ten Commandments has been an abysmal failure.  It’s time for a new approach.

I had been thinking and working most of my life for that kind of connection but it wasn’t until I found Humanity’s Team that I became focused on the idea of oneness.  With their support, I co-host with Cynthia James Connections Radio: Awakening oneness within us all.”  Imagine being blessed with the opportunity to interact with incredible people from all walks of life who are integrating oneness into their personal and professional lives.

Until now, my favorite holiday has been Thanksgiving, a day with no commercialism just a day set aside to be grateful.  On Sunday October 24 begins a new tradition that could move Thanksgiving into second place.  Humanity’s Team, in partnership with the Association for Global New Thought, has created Global Oneness Day.  By going to www.HumanitysTeam.org you can join in the celebration and begin a tradition that can make oneness not just a once a year event but part of our everyday lives. Sign the Global Oneness petition.

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Connections Radio Show is a project of Humanity’s Team

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“The New Spirit In Media ~ Media That Makes A Difference”